Sunday, 18 March 2018

For the love of flash fiction...


Since I last posted, flash fiction has dominated my writing. I entered three pieces into Mslexia's annual flash fiction competition and two of the three were short-listed. I have since submitted both of the short-listed pieces to Mslexia. One, 'Caution' was published in issue 75 labelled as Horror (not a label I would have chosen myself - I would have gone for Gothic or Fantasy.) The other, 'Fish' was published in issue 77 and is most definitely Romance.  
I also gained more experience of flash fiction recently when I was invited to join the judging panel for Hysteria's writing competition. This was a thoroughly enjoyable task to undertake and I hope the successful entrants enjoyed taking part. Hysteria Writing Competition is now taking a year off but I look forward to its return.
Also taking a year off is Norwich based 'Words and Women.' I have found this news quite a blow as I love this organisation and have often entered their competitions and attended their events in Cambridge and Norwich. I know how hard Lynne Bryan and Belona Greenwood have worked and how hard it is to sustain a project of this sort. The inclusion of my story 'Atacama' in their third anthology and the chance I had to read at an event in Cambridge with friends and family present, was one of my most exciting writing achievements. I am fervently hoping that this is not the last of Words and Women.
Only a few weeks now until I go on a very exciting Writer's Retreat. I am hoping it will further my interest in myth and legend and give me some exciting inspiration for a venture into travel writing.