Sunday, 21 February 2016

Finding inspiration

This weekend I've been at the Textiles in Focus Show in Cambourne, Cambs. As well as learning to make gorgeous little sheep, I have been thinking about where artists of all sorts find inspiration. Many of my poems are based on childhood recollections of life in Colchester and others have been inspired in places I have visited recently such as Edinburgh. But how did I come to be thinking from the point of view of a Chilean woman?*
That was as a result of a video I watched at the Forensics exhibition at the Wellcome Institute last year. A story I am currently working on was inspired by a topic in the recent States of Consciousness exhibition there and in one of my many notebooks, I have a short story about an item displayed in the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford.
I find it incredibly interesting to go to a creative textiles exhibition and see, read and hear what sparks felters, quilters, embroiderers and so on.
Have I found a writing idea this weekend. Yes, I have - watch this space!
P.S. It isn't sheep related!

  * 'Atacama' soon to be published in the anthology 'Words and Women 3', by Cameo, an imprint of Unthank books.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Little ms February

I often enter short pieces of writing to Little ms, Mslexia's online newsletter. This month I was successful with a 'filler' item, a 'Literary Critter.'